Work with it …



“Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.”
― Eckhart Tolle


How does this work with horses? I mean we’re told to do this or that or the other thing and the horse will then respond this way or that.






Its as if those to do the ‘telling’ know each and every horse and their automatic reactions.


There’s just one problem.


Horses are not automated.
They don’t have “push here” buttons.
They don’t have “pull back now” buttons.
In fact, they don’t have any buttons at all!


Horses live. They breathe. They graze and eat and make lots of manure.


And they live in present moments.
They are the masters of working with time and not against it.


How, then, are we to truly and deeply connect with an animal who IS?


Simply being. Right now. Right this moment.



And sometimes, most times, all the time, this is totally sufficient.


But we’ve got to accept first.
The present moment.
Accept and work with it.


Cause when ya get right down to it?


That’s all we got.