“Movement starts as an unseen energy. It is an impulse which starts in the mind. When it begins without fear the horse moves first it body into alignment and finds a harmony with the earth. This is a preliminary.
Fear, when used as a device to commence movement, begins with uncoordinated sudden action. Confidence is lost and weight is over emphasized.
When movement is started instinctively the weight is used. This is why it is so difficult to alter the direction and transitions either upward or downward. If there is no fear present, the movement maybe more coordinated but still lacks skill.
In a trained horse the motion is skillful. The thrust that starts the movement arises in the mind, because of the harmony with the earth, muscular force is used.
This enables the horse to skillfully transition or change direction. Weight never loses its connection with the earth and muscular forces follow the direction of a watchful human mind and a calm horse.
The mind holds the ground calmly. The skilled horseman supervises but never breaks this connection. Confidence is present in both human and horse.
This is a natural hierarchy which is free from fear. Energy flows, directed by gentle suggestion welcomed by a curious equine mind. This is good dressage.”
–Craig Stevens
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