It’s all Connected
Whole body inflammation, also known as systemic inflammation (SI), refers to a state where inflammation occurs throughout the body rather than being localized to a specific area. It can be…
Whole body inflammation, also known as systemic inflammation (SI), refers to a state where inflammation occurs throughout the body rather than being localized to a specific area. It can be…
Thinking about planning an herbal garden for your horse or for your family, yourself? Here are some great tips!!!
Well — with the discovery of a certain brand of essential oils I now feel I’ve gotten the WHOLE picture for the WHOLE Horse … WHOLE HEALTH for the…
The treatment Lyme is a complex disease to treat. This is when we wish we had a magic bullet, but there isn’t one. The best approach is a multi-systemic one,…
Did you know that acupressure can help with emotional issues as well? It certainly seemed to help in this elderly rescue horse’s case. Read Lillie’s story here.
Are you passionate about your horse? Is your heart set on giving your very best for your horse? Do you dream of one day being ‘one’ with your…
“Some common signs of magnesium deficiency may include: * Nervous, anxious temperament * Sudden shying at familiar objects * Violent pulling-back when tied * Dislike of grooming * Aggression…
“… we expect our horses to understand without explaining. For example, consider a horse that doesn’t want to be caught. It is much easier to label them as ‘naughty’ rather…
DOES YOUR HORSE GET ENOUGH CHLOROPHYLL? How many times have you read or heard the recommendation to take the horse off grass? Don’t feed him ANY carrots or apples or…
#horses — OK, so what came into my mind this morning? (morning’s are my best thinking time) … working on a TELECONFERENCE … probably a 3 pt. series on FIRST…
Question: E has a bad habit. She likes to pop up or rears. It seems to come and go. and just when we think its gone, it reappears. There doesn’t…
SECRETS TO BAREFOOT ENDURANCE SUCCESS – Part 1 by Jen Clingly It wasn’t without a huge amount of trepidation that I decided to run my horses without shoes. I had…
QUESTION: I’m an older person and always wanted to learn to ride bareback. Do you have any tips for me? ANSWER: Well, first of all you want to be sure…
Question: What do you feel is the best hoof supplement? Karen, MA Answer: The BEST hoof supplement is the best diet. Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be…
I’d posted a link to the 2nd part of my CHA conference presentation on another forum and was accused of not posting the entire thing thus being deceptive and lying….
“The horses right to express himself freely creates the foundation of our relationship and is a fundamental requirement of our continuing journey together. Without this balance of comunication between person…
“Each horse takes up the stimulating suggestions of the other, performs the friend’s action himself, and, as a result, a PHYSICAL CONNECTION comes to be, and image of oneness ……
This is a brief summary of what I studied this morning: Some quote from studies that might help: (I made some notes in [brackets] following specific quote. “Interestingly, fiber from…