It’s all Connected
Whole body inflammation, also known as systemic inflammation (SI), refers to a state where inflammation occurs throughout the body rather than being localized to a specific area. It can be…
Whole body inflammation, also known as systemic inflammation (SI), refers to a state where inflammation occurs throughout the body rather than being localized to a specific area. It can be…
Thinking about planning an herbal garden for your horse or for your family, yourself? Here are some great tips!!!
Well — with the discovery of a certain brand of essential oils I now feel I’ve gotten the WHOLE picture for the WHOLE Horse … WHOLE HEALTH for the…
The treatment Lyme is a complex disease to treat. This is when we wish we had a magic bullet, but there isn’t one. The best approach is a multi-systemic one,…
“Some common signs of magnesium deficiency may include: * Nervous, anxious temperament * Sudden shying at familiar objects * Violent pulling-back when tied * Dislike of grooming * Aggression…
DOES YOUR HORSE GET ENOUGH CHLOROPHYLL? How many times have you read or heard the recommendation to take the horse off grass? Don’t feed him ANY carrots or apples or…
–Laminitis –Thrush –White Line Disease –COPD –Allergies –Headshaking –and much more . Been there. Done that. And I’ve learned. 50+ years with horses. 15 years trimming hooves. 98% SUCCESS with…
“It is possible to suppress illness with homeopathic remedies, just as it is with conventional drugs, and push it in to a deeper level. It is also possible to…
Question: What do you feel is the best hoof supplement? Karen, MA Answer: The BEST hoof supplement is the best diet. Hippocrates: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be…
This is a brief summary of what I studied this morning: Some quote from studies that might help: (I made some notes in [brackets] following specific quote. “Interestingly, fiber from…
“Insulin’s job is to open up sites on cell membranes to allow the influx of glucose, a cell’s source of fuel. Cells that no longer respond to the advances of…
Excerpt from article by Dr. Melyni Worth, Diet Recommendations for Equine Cushings and Cushings-Like-Syndrome, AKA Insulin Resistance PLEASE NOTE: [notes in brackets and italics mine for references] Dietary (non-drug) supplements…