Signs of Magnesium Deficiency in your Horse



“Some common signs of magnesium deficiency may include:

* Nervous, anxious temperament
* Sudden shying at familiar objects
* Violent pulling-back when tied
* Dislike of grooming
* Aggression towards owners or herd-mates
* Separation anxiety, herd-bound
* Restless under saddle, unable to focus on rider
* Bucking
* Poor hoof quality, footsore without shoes or boots on
hard or rough ground
* Short stride with inappropriate toe-first hoof landing
* Laminitis
* Grass belly
* Insulin resistant with heavy crest
* Stiff, braced posture with deep ‘V’ behind withers
* Front feet placed far back under body when resting
* Tight, sloping croup
* Stifle catch
* Tying-up
* Excessive sweating in hot weather, shivering in warm,
wet weather
* Dry, flaky skin
* Sweet-Itch
* Watery eyes
What are the signs of magnesium deficiency?


As magnesium is needed for such a wide range of body processes, deficiency signs can present in an equally wide range of ways. Ten horses living in the same paddock may show signs of magnesium deficiency in ten different ways, influenced by individual genetic traits that govern how much magnesium can be absorbed and how much is excreted.”