Natural Dewormers



There are a few natural anthelmintics that grow/are weeds and a good pasture will have all sorts of weeds, flowers, shrubs, etc for the horses to pick and choose. But one can also get the dried herbs from an organic, reputable supplier such as The BEST deworming for those who don’t’ have the perfect pasture is to use coconut or olive oil that is infused with fresh garlic and maybe a sprig or two of fresh thyme. Give each horse 1/4 cup of this oil, along with a ‘glug’ of organic, raw apple cider vinegar, in the daily salad given. Add raw, shelled pumpkin seeds to the salad for tape worms. The garlic will not only boost the immune system but help keep a more alkaline pH going in the gut (the ACV aids in that, too). Thyme is a natural pest deterrent (anthelmintic … and antifungal and antiseptic) So those types of food additives, raw (or dried) will be your natural dewormers plus, I add CINA homeopathic to the water tubs every month for 5 days around the full moon. The other thing is keeping feeding areas scrupulously clean from any manure. Free range chickens help get the bugs out of the manure, too.


OH! I forgot GINGER too — not only a great anti-inflammatory (think older, arthritic guys) but also a natural parasitic (you can find formal studies done on this a pubmed) … So that, too, can be infused into the oil. And then I use the same oil for hubby’s and my own salad dressings! Mmmmmmmmm! And cooking, too.