Horsey Photos from today

Diego & Cheyenne, 17 & 8 yo old respectively. Notice how ‘lush’ the lower pasture is …  

The purpose of these photos is to follow up on my last blog writing.

For anyone who wants to believe that my horses are ‘dying’ from ‘lush pasture, too much hay, fresh fruits and vegetables fed weekly, natural hoofcare, obesity, metabolic syndrome or whatever else was stated in the “Shark Frenzy” … these photos were taken just 1/2 an hour ago, today.  All except the one of Rusty that I took last week (forgot to get him in today’s shots).

Photos are unedited except to crop out perimeter garbage (trees, ground, etc.)
They are not softened, sharpened, ‘fuzzied’ or otherwise ‘photoshopped’.

Pictures speak 1000 words.
No one is foundered. No one is metabolic. No one is dying from obesity. They are not neglected or abused. (do they really LOOK to be neglected and abused? The only ‘neglect’ is that they are not groomed daily and I don’t “exercise” them as much as I *should* be (according to all the other “experts”).

I have nothing more to say.  If anyone has questions or concerns about my little herd, please feel free to ask. I will be glad to answer as best I can.
For anyone who wishes to pursue the baiting of the sharks please feel free to share this blog URL. I’ll be happy to address any baiting right here.

Our dirty girl, Tamilyn, 8 yo. 










Amahl, our little donkey who’s almost 50 years old.









Crackers, UK Shetland (look up the Breed for their conformation – yes, they’re little, low to the ground and just as wide as low little draft ponies.) … 15 yo.









Cider, UK Shetland, the one who was laminitic back in 2010 because of ‘over indulgence of hay cubes (processed)’, now 16 yo.










Rusty, 5 yo (?), UK Shetland. Photo taken with different camera last week.

Noodles, our 15 year old goat (doe.)











The “lush” main “pasture” that everyone lives on.











New load of 50# bales of 2nd cut, 8% NSC hay we got today.