Category Archives: Riding

Massage Oil for Strenuous Workout

Almost FREE! Juniper oil extracts (obtained through distillation) are used as an external application for bone-joint difficulties, but herbalist John Lust warns “…the pure oil is irritating and in large…

Why do you Get Off?

  “When you sit on a pin, why do you get off?” Most would answer “Because it hurts” but Tom would correct them and say “No, you get off because…


“There is no equal partnership between a prey animal and a predator. If your horse does not see you as Alpha he will run the show. …” This is a…

Hempfling’s Signal Weight Riding

SIGNAL WEIGHT RIDING Great tips for ANY discipline! 

Meaningful Relationship …

Meaningful Relationship — It is truly everything and whatever you achieve with your horse flows from that. —


CONGRATS TO ANNAMARIA 2012 !!!! Blues all over the place this season! (And just some awesome VERSATILITY on all their own!) Check out our SERVICES page for more PHOTOS! of…

Abandon Violent Training Methods

Rearing Pony!

Question: E has a bad habit. She likes to pop up or rears. It seems to come and go. and just when we think its gone, it reappears. There doesn’t…


SEPTEMBER SPECIAL!!! 2012 Posted on September 17, 2012 by admin The economy is horrific and I know we are all struggling to make ends meet. It makes me crazy! I KNOW, personally, the…

The Feldenkrais Method and Its Application to Riding

  Do you know that working with Feldenkrais® can make you a better rider?   As a human and rider, we move the whole day. We are unaware of a…

Buck and Rear for No Apparent Reason?

Question: Why does my usually well-behaved horse suddenly buck or rear for apparently no reason? Answer:  (A great answer from Temple Grandin, Colorado State University) This may be caused by an…

Tip #12: Toes UP!

So many times we hear, “Keep your heels down!” … this is to, theoretically, help us stay secure in our seat on the back of the horse. Many find it…

Flying Lead Changes

A great article explaining the Flying Lead Change: Preparing to Ride Flying Changes By Faith Meredith Director of Riding, Meredith Manor International Equestrian Centre Upper level dressage horses executing a…

The Flying Change

Question: Does anyone have tips/ suggestions for teaching my 7yo OTTB gelding flying lead changes? He simple changes just fine but from a training perspective I am not sure I…

Am I Too Heavy for My Horse?

Question: Is there a way to calculate if the weight of the rider is not too much for the horse? Answer: The general “rule of thumb” is a horse can…

Riding a Horse Bareback

QUESTION: I’m an older person and always wanted to learn to ride bareback. Do you have any tips for me? ANSWER: Well, first of all you want to be sure…

“Dominance and the Horse” by Andy Beck

“The harem group has a clear hierarchy in which the stallion and head mare are the two most central individuals in a very literal sense. The head mare is often…

Correct Riding Position
