Category Archives: Positive Reinforcement

Can’t Wait!

Can’t wait til Spring! Can’t wait til the temps get into the 70’s … so much to do. So many things I want to work on with the horses and…

On Punishment or Discipline of the Horse

Random House definitions: Discipline: to punish or penalize in order to train and control; correct; chastise. Punishment: a penalty inflicted for an offense, fault, etc. Both denote that a behavior…

Attention Please!

Yesterday I worked with a younger horse — a gorgeous boy!  Typical ‘guy attitude’ who thought he could push his little gal all over the place. When I first greeted…

of Horse Eating Pygmies, Balloons, Porta-Pottys and More!

Intrigued?  Curious? Wanna know more? Check it out:  [youtube=]

It’s Not About the Horse

It’s not about the horse, Folks — it’s about understanding the Equine thinking, behavior, language and fitting in with their world instead of trying to fit them into the human world.

Teaching Horses

This clip explains and exhibits a bit of how I work with horses of all ages, breeds, types, sizes and temperaments.

Working with Aggressive Horse

Horses turn aggressive at the hands of man – aggressive hands. When a horse gets pushed too far he begins to by-pass his natural inclination to flight and goes right into fight – thus, labeled ‘aggressive’. The NATURAL BEHAVIOR of horses is based on their …