A little trick to get your horse respectin’ you

OK, so I stole the title. Only ’cause that’s the header that titled a newsletter that just came into my email inbox.

My response?

If one has to ‘trick’ the horse, how does that cause respect? Would YOU respect someone who ‘tricked’ you?

The essence of the newsletter was getting the horse’s feet to move and you’ve got it made. Because that’s the way equine are hardwired — the one who moves the feet of another is the higher ranking horse.

This is all fine and it is what I teach. However — its the state of MIND that matters most. If my state of mind is in that such I’m trying to trick the horse then I’m in a dishonest thinking place.

Horses KNOW dishonesty. From the get-go.

Who wants a relationship based on dishonesty?

Think about it … and I ain’t trickin’ ya.