A couple of video and blog views today really struck me. The first from Andrew and Vicki of horsesandhumans.org:
“The basic relationship between you and your horse is not something that can be found in a book or taught to you by someone else. It is very personal and unique between both you and your horse. It is you who can get the ‘feel’ of what kind of mood your horse is in more than would a stranger who is looking on. Likewise, the horse knows your moods, form of expression and way of being. That is very personal and so much can develop and move forward in a personal relationship without you trying to achieve an exact outcome because you are simply being who you are.” –Michael Bevilacqua
And the next, the six principles of ‘training horses’ from Frederic Pignon:
1. to foster a more equal relationship, based on trust and respect, in which horse and man learn from each other;
2. never to adopt ‘standard’ or inflexible methods of training but to recognise that each horse develops as an individual and reacts differently to the same stimulus;
3. to reduce stress as well as to become a safe, trusted ‘haven’ for the horse;
4. always to be patient and never to push too fast or too insistently, and on the other hand, not to allow the horse to get bored;
5. never to use force or become angry;
6. to establish a more ‘natural’ form of communication, that is, to further new methods.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1YO3j-Zh3g]
Great stuff! If you get into a bind in your relationship training with your horse, take a good look at *you* and see what needs to change. 🙂
Dream on and then put your dream into reality!
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.