I’m so excited to be able to offer this to you
and so glad you are here!
This brand new course series is a unique and progressive series of courses – each course comprised of 4-6 individual lessons complete with video presentations, written text, lessons that can be immediately completed with your own horse at home PLUS scheduled 2 online conference calls/sessions with Gwen for each level course.
To join in PENZANCE PPT you’ll need the following:
- A safe horse with whom you’ll play, work and learn.
- A computer that has good connection for viewing videos and presentations as well as for downloading and printing out course materials.
- A phone for participating in the teleconferences.
PENZANCE PPT is a lifelong horsemanship journey that enriches and improves your relationship skills with your horse as well as with others who come along your good horsemanship path.
There are practical exercises in each module – all are pliable to fit in with YOUR schedule, YOUR relationship with YOUR partner horse.
The coaching in the videos, presentations and calls are all to help YOU think through the challenges you face with your horse –
PPT gives you the knowledge base to be able to set realistic and attainable goals within your personal horsemanship development towards that full partnership with your horse – in your own time and at your own pace.
Scheduled coaching calls are recorded so if you can’t make a call you’ll have the mp3 available for download so you can listen any time that is convenient for you.
This is YOUR COURSE – tailored to meet YOU and YOUR HORSE’S needs!
Just like having your own personal coach available 24/7.
Join in on the journey … your horse will thank you.
The classes are
STRUCTURED, EASY TO FOLLOW and have STEP-by-STEP written and visual instructions via VIDEO and POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS
as well as outlined instructions.
Immediately implement what you learn into your equine training program with success.
Advantages of PENZANCE’s Progressive Equine Partnership Training Program:
- Study at home in your own time at your own pace
- Have email or telephone access with Gwen for any questions or challenges you might have
- Have your own space online (PPT Forums) where you can discuss and share with other enrolled students
- Lessons can be immediately applied and integrated into your present training program
- Affordable, concise, easy-to-understand lessons
- Learn things about horses that you won’t learn anywhere else in one place!
PPT101: The Natural Horse – Listen to the Silence
This first course will explore how the NATURAL HORSE was created and how we can best implement ‘natural husbandry’ in our daily care of our horses. Why? Because a horse that is living as close to his natural state as possible is going to be a calmer, more willing and trusting partner in our lives. And that’s what we all are working towards … a trusting, dependable, safe PARTNER.
This first course will include diet and nutrition of the natural horse, healthcare, natural environment, social and individual Equine behaviors & language as well as an overall view of PPT within the foundational base lines of the training program. This and subsequent courses also offers personal telephone or email coaching of each individual’s challenges. Through 2 live tele-conferences as well as video submissions each student will have concrete answers that will directly, absolutely and positively affect his or her situation.
MODULE 1: Horsepower – The Natural Horse
Learn how each aspect of the natural horse, as he is ‘created’, affects everyday situations with him and what you can do to help improve your overall husbandry and training.
MODULE 2: “They Speak Without Words” – Equine Behavior & Psychology
Understanding how horses think and why they act/react the way they do goes a long, long way in being able to effectively teach them and help them through domestic situations. This module will explore this aspect of training horses.
MODULE 3: Beginnings – Progressive & Positive Partnership Training
PPT utilizes a combination of different ‘methods’ of teaching horses that Gwen has learned over almost 5 decades of learning and living with them. Utilizing basic equine psychology and weaving it in with intuitive and thoughtful mind-body connections with the horse, Gwen shares the ‘how-to’s’ of her Progressive Equine Partnership Training into an easy-to-understand format that any horse-loving person can pick up and use right away. Find out what role the “Leader” has in establishing a Positive Partnership and how it evolves into a Perfect Partnership with the horse that is coveted throughout the world of horses. Explore simple exercises in which positive reinforcement is used with more conventional GOOD horsemanship to establish a unique, strong bond with the horse that kindles the progressive spiritual connection that naturally evolves.
MODULE 4: Quiet the Storm – Problem Solving 101
Got challenges with your horse? Of course you do! We all do – each horse is an individual with individual personalities, experiences, possible traumas and even phobias. Learn to recognize the difference between simple balkiness of the horse and a true phobia. Find out if, perhaps, your horse is feeling physical discomfort somewhere which precludes appropriate and acceptable behaviors in hand or under saddle. Discover how to deal with that discomfort and, in many cases, relieve it. Learn how to ‘change things up’ when needed and not feel guilty about your own mistakes that you might make! Specific exercises for specific challenges will be noted and studied as well as how to sequentially ‘think through’ situations with your horse and at the same time, teach your horse how to ‘think through’ situations.
(Click on the link to enter into our first Module. Password Protected for Registered Students only)THE NEXT STEPS:
PPT102: PPT for Positive Results
PPT103: Taking PPT to the Horse’s Back
PPT104: The Spiritual Connection.
This course, Joy, will encompass lots from the ‘old’ one but will also have lots of ‘new stuff’, too. Videos not only from the course that will be ‘how to’ videos but videos that students can send in for review and lessons, etc. so each student can have very personalized instruction. And even though this is not an ‘online live’ class series I will be having regularly schedule teleconferencing for each series. So, its a bit different and will have lots of new stuff. 🙂
Email to me re: registering … caballus@charter.net
I need to take this course again, I took it prior to having brain surgery, and loved it, now I have befriended a 76 year old gentleman who owns 20+ untrained Arabians. I’ve started to work with the five geldings, and at first you could only touch one of them, now with ct I have been able to touch and handle all five of them. I am working specifically now with just one of them, it is easier for me to just focus on one horse at a time, and now would be the perfect time for a refresher on this course