Category Archives: Equine Healthcare


Every time I see a post somewhere about a  horse with Cushings or EMS or IR and on some prescribed pharmaceutical I cringe and so wish I could just jump…

Herbal Anti-Inflammatories

3 Herbs that fight inflammation and pain. Easily added into the horse’s diet: (and your own!) 1. Burdock Root One of the best things for joint pain is to increase…


    WHAT IS PENZANCE BODY WORKS? Just click on the photo … go ahead, I dare ya!

Winter Hoof Care

Winter Hoof Care Derek Poupard, CJF Winter is an ideal time to pull your horse’s shoes if the animal is not being ridden extensively. If you live in an area…

Equine Conformation

  “When examining horses for conformation, either when considering a purchase or competing in horse judging contests, it is important to break things down into key principles to avoid becoming…

Massage Oil for Strenuous Workout

Almost FREE! Juniper oil extracts (obtained through distillation) are used as an external application for bone-joint difficulties, but herbalist John Lust warns “…the pure oil is irritating and in large…


–Laminitis –Thrush –White Line Disease –COPD –Allergies –Headshaking –and much more . Been there. Done that. And I’ve learned. 50+ years with horses. 15 years trimming hooves. 98% SUCCESS with…

USA Equine Massage Laws

   USA ANIMAL MASSAGE LAWS United States Animal Massage: Laws by State:  as found on While every effort has been made to make sure these are correct, these versions may…


CHRONIC PASTERN DERMATITIS: (Scratches, Mud Fever, Greasy Heel) Malandrinum : Etymology Family Traditional name English: Grease  (Mud Fever) Dutch: rasp, vorm van mok. German:  Der Pferdemauke Used…


  NUTRIENT DEFICIENCES ACCORDING TO PAT COLEBY … “Natural Horse Care”   Following is a list of nutrients and the ailments which follow deficiencies in these nutrients ::   CALCIUM…

  A great resource for FLOWER REMEDIES to use in situations with any horse or pet. Common Pet Ailments and the Original Bach Flower Remedies to Treat Them  

Natural Dewormers

  There are a few natural anthelmintics that grow/are weeds and a good pasture will have all sorts of weeds, flowers, shrubs, etc for the horses to pick and choose….

Glycemic Index vs Glycemic Load in a Nutshell

Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Over and over I am admonished that my advice about feeding fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds to horses is going to kill…

Homeopathic FIRST AID for HORSES

#horses — OK, so what came into my mind this morning? (morning’s are my best thinking time) … working on a TELECONFERENCE … probably a 3 pt. series on FIRST…


Does your horse: Take up Wrong/Reusing Lead? Bolt, Jig, Balk, Buck, Rear? Flinch when back is touched? Wear hooves unevenly? Short Stride? Nippy or Cow Kicking? Other? Is your horse:…

HEADSHAKING in HORSES :: Homeopathic Treatment

  A Homeopathic ‘cocktail’ for “Headshaking” in horses: (ingredients listed for CAPSTAR):   Allium Cepa Apis Arnica Arsenicum Album Echinacea Rhus Toxicodendron Urtica urens   Mix a couple of pillules…

Glycemic Index is NOT Glycemic LOAD

With all the fuss about Insulin Resistance, Cushings, EMS and more with warnings of feeding apples, pears, carrots and other fruit and vegetable treats to horses, here’s the REAL low…


  ATTENTION ALL HORSE OWNERS: “… how did these chemicals turn up in the compost? In early August 2012, CSWD identified area horse farms as the source of the contamination…

Integrative Treatment of Wildlife

        This is a great resource!  Use it wisely. And, of course, the disclaimer — if your horse or other animal is injured or ill, call your…

Do you give your Horse BUTE?

Any conscientious horse owner knows that when a NSAID such as BUTE (Phenylbutazone) is administered for pain management or anti-inflammation one takes the risk of that chemical causing ulcers in the…