We Know It!

20110914_17#horses http://epona.tv/blog/2013/february/trick-andor-treat
Dog trainers know it. Zoo trainers know it. Circus trainers know it too. If you want an animal to be interested in working with you, there has to be something to motivate the behaviour you want. And what better motivator than food?

As usual, the equestrian world is lagging behind. Or so it seems. Even in 2013, it is still debated among some horse trainers whether food can even work as a motivation for a horse. The influential horse trainer, Monty Roberts goes as far as to flat out deny that horses are even motivated by hand fed treats:

“Horses do not regard food from the hand as reward, but connect food to the human body and thus are trained to bite.”

REALLY? Let’s just play that first part again:  READ MORE …
